It's now just shy of two and one-half years since my surgery.
Recap: I lost 50 pounds, gained three or four (which I expected, based on everything I had read), and stayed at that approximately -45 weight for about a year. I was happy at that weight.
Now I've gained 5-7 pounds over that, and I'm concerned that my tiny stomach may be stretching, my weight may be creeping upwards, and everything I've been through since the day I travelled down to Mexico -- by myself -- during covid -- will be undone.
I don't know if this fear is valid or not, but it's nagging at me.
So I've decided I will try to get back to the -45 weight.
Today I reloaded the food-tracker app, which I have not used in more than a year, and started logging my eating again. I'm committing to tracking, eating less, and making better food choices for one month, then seeing where I am. If I lose weight in the one-month period, I'll continue.
In this context, eating less means being very conscious about snacks -- how frequently I eat and how much. I must eat between meals, but I have to eat the least amount possible to not feel hungry. The differences are very slight.
I've been weighing myself daily, which must stop! The scale addiction is returning. I'm going to give the scale to my partner to hide, something that has worked in the past. Having to ask for the scale usually gives me enough pause to stop myself.
See you in a month!
After only two days of food tracking, I am feeling better. I am still concerned, but feeling calmer and more in control.
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