15 August 2021

Result: One Week Post-Travel

I did it.

I did it!

I went on vacation, and was more relaxed about food choices. Upon returning home, I immediately returned to pre-vacation habits. 

Result: I did not re-gain any weight.

I am beyond thrilled about this -- for the present, and also for the future. I feel like I've passed a major mental hurdle. It was not difficult to go back to proper eating and exercise. I made it a priority, really focused on it. I don't know why this was so difficult in the past, but it's not anymore.

I said I was going to wait two weeks to weigh myself, but I made it one week before asking my partner for the scale. I also returned it to him: no way I am keeping it in my bathroom at this point.


  1. Yay!! That's great news! It is wonderful that you now know you can be similarly successful on future vacations!

  2. That's wonderful! So glad that you not only were able to return to your regular routine, but that you've learned that you can enjoy indulging while away from home. :)

  3. Thank you both so much! And thanks to the readers who cheered me on via email. It means a lot to me.


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