It's coming on a full year since I had gastric sleeve surgery. It's been quite a momentous year for me.
My weight holds steady at minus 50 pounds. It fluctuates within 2 pounds in either direction, but no more than that. I weigh myself sporadically, about twice each month. When I get concerned that I'm eating too much, I weigh myself and feel reassured.
According to the charts, I've lost 70-80% of my excess weight. This is in line with what all the medical literature says about this surgery. This means, of course, that I still have excess weight. I'd look better if I was 10 or 20 pounds thinner, but I don't worry about that. This is where my weight loss plateaued and stopped, so this is my weight. Even if I could lose more weight -- which I highly doubt -- I'd never be able to maintain it. I'm not going down that road.
I frequently feel hungry, just as I always did. But now when I am hungry, I have a very small healthy snack, and I immediately feel sated. The most important thing is to not let myself get too hungry. If I wait too long to eat, I end up eating too fast, and have a lot of discomfort.
I've gotten the hang of eating in restaurants. It's a bit frustrating, because I'd like to eat more! I wish I could save all my food for the day and have it all in one meal. But that is simply not possible. So I orderly lightly, bring most of it home, and get at least another meal out of it, often two meals. Drinking wine with dinner means eating even less... but dinner is better with wine! So these are things I have to constantly navigate.
One fun little side benefit: I feel free to eat "fattening" foods when I want to, because the portion size is automatically controlled. In the past, if I decided to eat fries or chips, I would eat a lot, with seemingly no "off" switch. Because of that, I was always struggling to completely avoid those foods. Now if I want a few fries, it's no big deal.
In general, I feel great. I'm super happy I had the surgery, and also very happy I had it done in Mexico rather than waiting yet more years to have it done in my province.
I haven't shared this story with anyone I work with. No one asks, as it's now considered impolite to comment on anyone's change in size in any direction. Only two people have mentioned my weight loss. One person wanted to know if I'm OK, or if I'm losing weight because of a health issue. The other person is a much older woman, who I think is probably not aware of this current norm. I'm very glad I decided to be more private about this locally. I would not enjoy the attention -- or being the subject of gossip.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me through this journey. It has meant so much to me!